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Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment

~The Science of Ayurvedic Healing and Restoration~

Panchakarma is the magical methodology in Ayurveda that solves many ailments – after the onset as well as even before the disease surfaces. It also promotes good health. It can be said that Panchakarma has promotive benefits, preventive benefits and curative power. It is a boon especially for those with chronic conditions, which cannot be managed with just medicines and diet

Why Do You Need Panchkarma?

Panchakarma’s literal translation is “Five Purification Procedures”. It is designed to release years of emotional, physical and mental baggage attached to the body and mind. This is a therapeutic process used to remove toxins from the body formed by various diseases, poor nutrition and environment factors. Due to one’s repeated dietary indiscretions, lack of exercise, improper lifestyle and genetic predisposition agni or digestive fire which regulate the body’s internal homeostasis become disorganized. This can lead to the accumulation and spread of toxins throughout the body resulting in disease.

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What Should I Expect In Panchakarma Treatments?

Panchakarma treatments are totally individualized. It offers Ayurvedic consultation, advice on a diet based on one’s body type and health problems (if any), Intake of purifying and rejuvenating herbs, herbal oil massages, cleansing enemas, gentle laxatives and other practices that help in purifying and detoxifying the mind and body based on the body type. Following a diet during panchakarma program makes it so effective. The process takes dedication, but its immeasurable restorative benefits are more than worth the effort.


Completely Purifies Body
Riddance Of Toxins
Speeding Up The Metabolism
Reducing Weight
Opening Blocked Channels
Relaxing The Mind And Body
Boosts Immunity
Rejuvenation Of Tissues


Panchakarma meaning ‘five therapies’ is a Ayurvedic whole-being cleansing and rejuvenating therapy focused on the elimination of excess toxins and doshas accumulated in our body due to lifestyle factors, diet and stress. The 5 Panchakarma therapeutic treatments are:


In simple terms, Panchakarma is like a reboot button in your computer. You are required to do it every time there is something wrong with your system and otherwise to ensure its proper working.


Panchakarma is a therapy that can be done regularly (quarterly, half-yearly or yearly) to rid the body of toxins and provides protection from all kinds of diseases. As such, Panchakarma is ideal not only for people with health problems but also for the healthy since it helps in cleansing and rejuvenation. It works on all levels of the human energy system that includes the mind, body and emotions.

Panchakarma is particularly recommended when a patient has deep impairment of doshas (vata, pitta and kapha), excess accumulation of ama (toxins), and severity of symptoms. You need to consult an Ayurvedic physician to understand the state of your doshas and degree of toxin accumulation in your body. The unbalance of doshas and severe increase in toxins may be visible through a variety of physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

You can also go for Panchakarma therapy for periodic rejuvenation and detoxification. It is particularly recommended during the change of seasons, especially during spring and autumn. If you regularly suffer from joint pains, headache, muscular problems, stress and anxiety, going for Panchakarma will definitely help you.

Panchakarma helps in the purification and rejuvenation of the body and mind. It does so by restoring balance of doshas and elimination of toxins. The therapy should be followed by a proper diet and lifestyle so that the positive changes triggered by Panchakarma are maintained, and noticeable results can be seen. Though Panchakarma may provide quick relief in relaxing and rejuvenating a healthy individual, in people with ailments it may take some time to show effects.

Yes. Panchakarma therapy can be carried out anytime during the year because it is designed according to the prevailing season. However, the spring season between March to April are considered the best time for cleansing and rejuvenation. Also, the autumn season or fall season is a good time to go for Panchakarma.

Generally, a person undergoing Panchakarma is advised to take rest and avoid mental and physical strain. You can go to work if you must. If your work does not involve much physical activity or mental strain, then you can definitely go to work while you are on Panchakarma treatment.

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